Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snow & Pop-Culture

Throughout Snow, Ka is essentially searching for what makes him happy. We all go through this in our own lives as we try to piece together our self identity. Ka's traits and personality can be compared to virtually anyone in society. Anyone who is searching for something that they are not entirely sure of, in this instance Ka and his search for happiness.

The political and religious conflict throughout Snow holds many similarities to conflicts we face in modern day America. The debate of the head scarfs is similar to the arguement of teaching religion in school (a topic which we heavily discussed earlier this year).

Freedom of speech is also touched on in the novel, as is is not a true freedom if you can not speak out for any cause that you believe in. The girls suicides in the novel were onset by an inability to express themselvesand their religion in school.

Kadife is a strong character in the novel as she is a young girl speaking out (acting in a play in the National Theatre) for a cause that is bigger than herself. (even against the advice of Ka)

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