Thursday, January 24, 2008

everything silent
pen and paper meet again
the only sound heard

wonderous beauty
a snowflake among many
silent like the storm

young in years but wise
caught in an adult struggle
firm in her beliefs

Snow & Pop-Culture

Throughout Snow, Ka is essentially searching for what makes him happy. We all go through this in our own lives as we try to piece together our self identity. Ka's traits and personality can be compared to virtually anyone in society. Anyone who is searching for something that they are not entirely sure of, in this instance Ka and his search for happiness.

The political and religious conflict throughout Snow holds many similarities to conflicts we face in modern day America. The debate of the head scarfs is similar to the arguement of teaching religion in school (a topic which we heavily discussed earlier this year).

Freedom of speech is also touched on in the novel, as is is not a true freedom if you can not speak out for any cause that you believe in. The girls suicides in the novel were onset by an inability to express themselvesand their religion in school.

Kadife is a strong character in the novel as she is a young girl speaking out (acting in a play in the National Theatre) for a cause that is bigger than herself. (even against the advice of Ka)

Music & Snow

"The silence of snow."

Throughout the novel there is no real emphasis on music, instead the novel stresses tranquility and silence that has blanketed the town with the falling of the snow. Speaking out is prohibited, helping to evolve the theme of silence throughout the novel. Ka's emotions and thoughts are put into his poems which are not spoken. The silence in Kars is like a music of its own that helps to depict the struggle of the headscarf girls and their firm stance in their beliefs.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kars, Turkey

Art & Snow

Art is seen repeatedly throughout the novel. Ka's main interest is his poetry which is inspired by all of the events around him. Poetry is such an obvious presence in the novel, however we see other forms of art as well. The National Theatre hosts a play towards the end of the novel indicating that art in the novel can be a metaphor for truth. Kadife is acting in a play that describes the political and religious struggles of the time (speaking out for such causes would not be tolerated). This form of expression through art helps to get across that truth can not exist without art and such forms of expression in the town. Ka's poetry also symbolizes truth as he writes about what is around him, almost documenting the struggles taking place.
-Makes love to Ka
-Still with Blue
-Divorced from Muhtar

-not sure of what she wants:
happiness with Ka but can't
let Blue go

-three men are described as
loving her throughout the novel
-In love with Ipek thorughout the entire novel

-looking for what he defines happiness as and how to attain it

-poet, translates emotions and thoughts into art

-Atheist with an interest and curiosity of Christianity
-Interest in suicides and politics brings him to Kars