Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Biographical And Historical Infomation

Biographical Information
Orhan was born in Istanbul in 1952 into a large family. When growing up his dreams were to become an artist. He graduated from the Secular American Robert College in Istanbul. Then, he went to study architecture, but soon he dropped that to study journalism. He never actually became a journalist though, he decided to drop that as well and write books instead. Snow was the seventh book that Orhan wrote and the fifth one that was translated into English.

Historical Information
-This book covered most all religious and political conflicts such as socialism, communism, atheism, political secularism, ethnic nationalism and the Islamist fundamentalism.
-One of the main conflicts was the Radical Islam’s wearing headscarves during this time and during this book. The government was trying to put a stop to the Radical Islam’s and by doing this they did not allow them to wear headscarves. This led to some of the girls committing suicide.
-The government in Turkey was taken over by the military. The military did things like have the coup that they did at the national theater to keep their power.
-Kars comes from the Turkish word snow.
-Kars is located in the northeast corner of Turkey and was once a trading route between Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and Soviet Georgia.,12700,1376944,00.html

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